- MCM provides Construction Loans
- MCM underwrites long term tax-exempt bonds for clients
- MCM offers Advisory Analysis to clients
- MCM provides low cost Project Financing
- MCM designs flexible term loans for clients
- MCM markets loans on a national basis for lowest rates
As Advisors or Bankers we specialize in complex and “difficult to finance” projects working with your agency from the Application Phase to Loan/Grant Closing:
- We understand the needs of our clients who include 501(c)(3) Organizations; Charter Schools; Water, Sewer & Solid Waste Treatment Facilities; Hospitals; Nursing Homes; and Rural Health Facilities
- We work in conjunction with architects, engineers and clients assist with cost development analysis
- We assist with determining repayment ability associated with the proposed project:
Construction Loan Options
USDA/Rural Development regulations require projects to find construction funds for the build out of the project before the USDA money
becomes available. Our team includes experts in providing this interim financing at low, tax-exempt interest rates for these projects.
General Terms for Interim Construction Loan Programs for USDA Approved Projects
• Principal Amounts of $3,000,000 to $100,000,000
• Term up to 36 months
• Interim Loans based upon tax-exempt rates
• Interest rates from 2.0%-3.5% (subject to term and credit)
• Security interest is the same as defined in the USDA Letter of Conditions
• A single principal and interest payment will be due at maturity (end of construction or USDA take out)
• MCM works to include local banks in the loan process
MCM provides USDA Interim construction loans using either a “Draw Option” or “Term Bond Option” (general terms noted above remain the
same.) Other lenders often offer only one of these options based on the lender’s objective (not the client’s.) MCM’s flexibility to offer both of the
following options at the most competitive rates produces savings for our clients.